Meet the Tiger Team | Paul Dixon, Driver
Published: 02/11/2023

It's time to introduce Paul Dixon, our amazing Tiger Delivery Driver who goes above and beyond to ensure our customers receive their deliveries on time.
Keep reading to discover more about Paul and what makes him tick.
Tell Us a Bit About Yourself?
I am 50 this year so looking forward to achieving that milestone. I got married last year, and I am going on a cruise with my wife in the summer. I am a normal family guy – I love seeing my grandson Albie every week, and I enjoy walking the dogs at the weekend.
What is Your Role at Tiger?
I deliver sheds, summerhouses and storage orders for Tiger customers, on the back of my flatbed van. Occasionally I take one of the larger quick delivery log cabins.
Describe a Typical Day at Tiger?
We’re up really early because we will have a number of deliveries to make and we want to be well on the road to beat the traffic. We have deliveries all over the country so sometimes we must drive for a while before we can make our first stop. I like driving so that’s not a problem, and the routes are planned so our deliveries are as close together as possible. When there’s a large building or it’s a bigger distance than normal, there might be two of us travelling together – that’s a nice change as they’re a good bunch of lads.
What Motivates You?
Working to a deadline I guess and delivering to our customers. I set myself the goal to beat the times on my run sheet and get deliveries done as quickly as possible.
I like driving and being outside, not in an office. I’m kind of my own boss as I must make decisions when I am out and about.
What's the Best Part of Your Job?
I go all over the country, and I get to meet a wide range of different people and see some lovely places. Occasionally, I will go somewhere so beautiful I make a mental note to arrange a weekend break with my wife to explore it some more – that’s a bit of a perk to my job really! Sometimes customers will mention me when they write up their reviews, and getting a great rating is a good feeling (and also helps impress my manager too)! Customers appreciate when I go the extra mile – no pun intended - and it gives me a lot of job satisfaction.
How Long Have You Worked at Tiger?
I have been driving for Tiger since April 2022.
What Has Been Your Favourite Project?
We do deliver all over to lots of customers, and there are often interesting stories because people are interesting. I like delivering on time and being the face of the business – I am the only representative of Tiger that customers will meet. I delivered to a lovely lady in Essex, who offered me a crate of drinks as thanks – which turned out to be Diet Pepsi!
What Are You Most Proud of in Your Work at Tiger?
When I am able to help customers, whether that is moving the delivery where they need it, or advising them on what they need to do. The marketing guys talk about ‘delivering our promise to our customers’ – but that is what I do every day.
What Do You Like About Working at TIger?
The best part of the job is delivering the order to the customer. People are happy to receive their sheds and summerhouses – and even when I get delayed by traffic (which is DEFINITELY the WORST part of my job) people are usually very understanding. We are usually on time, but we can’t predict accidents and jams.
What’s Your Favourite Tiger Building?
You can’t beat a classic like the Shiplap Apex or the Shiplap Pent Shed. Simple, well made, no messing! Plus – from a very selfish point of view – really easy and straightforward to deliver! I do like the Loglap Apex too, that’s a really good quality shed.